Hey everyone!
This week we come with a beautiful update in your Calendar.
Post ideas section and dateless posts. 🎉
Do you simply want to create Drafts and set up their scheduling time later?
You're now able to create a post without a scheduling date. Simply click on
"Clear date" button in your post creation modal.
The dateless post will appear in the "Post Ideas" section on the left side of your Calendar. Schedule it whenever you're ready or Drag&Drop it easily to a specific date in the Calendar.
Our tip: Dateless posts can be used as template/recurring posts that you are able to simply Drag&Drop to various dates in the Calendar. To do so, you simply need to hold CMD/CTRL on your keyboard when dragging the post. It will duplicate the post, so one will stay as dateless in the Post Idea section and the other one will be dropped in the date you selected.
🚀 What else Kontentino Made for You lately?
27. 11. 2020 / Say Hello to Workflow! 🎉 Your place for more transparent collaboration and posts creation processes.
13. 11. 2020 / Hashtag Presets. Save your most commonly used #️⃣ s and insert them to the post copy just with one click.
30. 10. 2020 / Assign Profile Groups to your new users when inviting them to Kontentino!
23. 10. 2020 / Drag & Drop Instagram posts in the Grid view and switch their scheduling time!
16. 10. 2020 / Pinterest posts now support links.
See the post's copy and link in its preview mode.
02. 10. 2020 / Publish Facebook posts that were planned in the past right away with the "Publish now" button.
🗓️ Wanna see what Kontentino is planning?
Check out our Product road map, where you can submit your ideas or upvote others.
🎓 Join the Kontentino Academy Facebook group for Kontentino users to share their experience and newcomers to learn the best practices, tips and tricks. We are also sharing some exclusive sneak peeks to new features before they are released.